
Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Chapter 3 A Wrinkle In Time

 Describe how Meg fells about her father.                                                                                                         What have your learnt so far that helps you to write this.

Meg showed a picture of her father with three men in it to Calvin. When Calvin and Meg were in the forest Calvin said why don't your cry your just crazy about your father go ahead and cry it will do you good. In the evening, Meg and Calvin go out for a walk in Murrys backyard. Calvin asks Meg about her father. And she explains that he is a physicist who worked for the government first in New Mexico and then at Cape Canaveral. Meg tells Calvin that the family hasn't heard from their father for a year now. And Calvin alludes to all the rumors that the townspeople circulate about Mrs Murry's whereabouts. Meg becomes immediately defensive, and Calvin is quick to assure her that he has always doubted the rumors' truth. Calvin holds Meg's hand and tells her that her eyes are beautiful. Meg feels herself blushing in the moonlight.